HARVEST EB tohtorinhatut | doctoral hats

Pricing (2/2025)

The prices are updated at least once a year in order to provide competitive rates in the market.

The doctoral hat entities are priced for conferment ceremonies and for individual orders.

The doctoral hat entity includes the hat, emblem, name tag, hat case, delivery and VAT. Measurement fee excluded and based on our co-store own pricing. Standard delivery is from five to eight weeks and without extra charge. In urgent orders delivery is less than five weeks with urgent fee for both manufacturing and delivery.

Current price range for our doctoral hats is between 595 and 645 euros, depending on the degree, emblem and hat model.

Urgent manufacturing and delivery have +45e urgent fee for manufacturing and +45e for express cargo. The service fee for measurement and order details is between 25e-35e depending which particular co-store is on spot. The co-store is collected at store and priced exclusively.

For conferment ceremonies during spring 2025 urgent fees will be added to doctoral hat orders from Jan 31st.

Individual orders: doctoral hat for theology 595 euros, doctoral hat of medicine, philosophy and economics 650 euros, doctoral hat of technology 670 euros.

Request An Offer!

We also offer doctoral hat renting for conferment ceremonies. Please request availability and sizes.

Upon request, we are able to deliver emblem or doctoral hat case separately.

Above prices are valid in EU -countries. When delivered outside EU, the VAT is excluded in our invoice. Customer is responsible for custom duties (tax and fees) in the country where delivery is received.

In Finnish
In English
Harvest EB (c) 2005 Janne Peltoniemi KTT/PhD
www.doctoralhats.harvesteb.com | info(at)harvesteb.com